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Le catch: Sport de contact.... sport de popularité de conquête et le seul sport ou tu deviens célèbre en petant la gueule de ton adversaire.
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 john cena is back the champ is ere

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3 participants
john cena
gm raw
gm raw
john cena

Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2009

john cena  is back the champ is ere Empty
MessageSujet: john cena is back the champ is ere   john cena  is back the champ is ere Icon_minitimeLun 31 Aoû - 18:11

slt je souhaite avoir un contrat
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Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2009

john cena  is back the champ is ere Empty
MessageSujet: Re: john cena is back the champ is ere   john cena  is back the champ is ere Icon_minitimeLun 31 Aoû - 19:37

ok Cena mais tu veux allez a Samckdown ou a RAW?
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shawn michaels
gm raw
gm raw
shawn michaels

Messages : 29
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2009

john cena  is back the champ is ere Empty
MessageSujet: Re: john cena is back the champ is ere   john cena  is back the champ is ere Icon_minitimeMar 1 Sep - 15:01

cena a choisi raw vu qu il a fait sa loge a raw
tiens voila ton contrat cena
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john cena  is back the champ is ere Empty
MessageSujet: Re: john cena is back the champ is ere   john cena  is back the champ is ere Icon_minitime

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john cena is back the champ is ere
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